{% extends 'base.html' %} {% load static %} {% load custom_tags_to %} {% block title %} TO {% endblock %} {% block sidebar_user %}
User Image
{{ request.user.first_name }} {{ request.user.last_name }}
{% endblock %} {% block content %}

Travel Orders

{% if request.user|user_group == "admin" %} {% endif %}
{% for to in tos %} {% endfor %}
TO No. Name Position Division/Section Official Station Date Created Travel Dates Destination Purpose
{{ to.to_number }} {{ to | get_personnel_info:"name" }} {{ to | get_personnel_info:"position" }} {{ to | get_personnel_info:"division" }} {{ to | get_personnel_info:"station" }} {{ to.to_date }} {{ to | travel_date }} {{ to.to_destination }} {{ to.to_purpose }}
{% endblock %} {% block scripts %} {% endblock %}