This short Client Satisfaction Measurement (CSM) survey aims to track the customer experience of government offices. Your answers will enable this office to provide a better service.
Region of Residence
--- Please select your region ---
National Capital Region
Cordillera Administrative Region
Region 1 - Ilocos Region
Region 2 - Cagayan Valley
Region 3 - Central Luzon
Region 4A - Calabarzon
Region 4B - Mimaropa
Region 5 - Bicol Region
Region 6 - Western Visayas
Region 7 - Central Visayas
Region 8 - Eastern Visayas
Region 9 - Zamboanga Peninsula
Region 10 - Northern Mindanao
Region 11 - Davao Region
Region 12 - Soccksargen
Region 13 - Caraga
BARMM - Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Client Type
--- Please select one ---
Government (Employee or another agency)
Agency Visited
Service Availed
--- Please select one ---
ORD-1 - Courtesy Visit with RD/Consultation
GD-1 - Conduct of Geohazard Identification Survey
GD-2 - Review of Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report (EGGAR)
GD-3 - Conduct of Megascopic Analysis
GD-4 - Conduct of Geohazard Assessment of Proposed Sanitary Landfill Site
GD-5 - Conduct of Geohazard Assessment for Sand and Gravel Project
GD-6 - Geohazard Certification
GD-7 - Request for Geohazard Map
MSESDD-1 - Inspection of mechanical/electrical installations
MSESDD-2 - Issuance of Authority to Install Electrical/Mechanical Equipment
MSESDD-3 - Issuance of Permit to Operate Electrical/Mechanical Equipment
MSESDD-4 - Processing and evaluation of Applications for Temporary/Permanent Safety Engineer’s/Inspector’s Permit
MSESDD-5 - Processing and evaluation of applications for renewal for Temporary/Permanent Safety Engineer’s/Inspector’s Permit
MSESDD-6 - Processing and endorsement of Applications for Purchaser’s License
MSESDD-7 - Processing and endorsement of Applications for License to Purchase or Move Explosives
MSESDD-8 - Processing and endorsement of Application for Blaster’s Foreman License
MSESDD-9 - Evaluation and approval of Safety and Health Programs
MSESDD-10 - Investigation of complaints/incidents relating to mine safety and health
MSESDD-11 - Preliminary evaluation of Environmental Protection and Enhancement Programs/Final Mine Rehabilitation and Decommissioning Plans
MSESDD-12 - Preliminary evaluation of Annual Environmental Protection and Enhancement Programs
MSESDD-13 - Processing and issuance of Authority to Withdraw Mine Rehabilitation Fund
MSESDD-14 - Investigation of complaints/incidents relating to mine environmental management
MSESDD-15 - Evaluation and approval of 5-Year Social Development and Management Programs
MSESDD-16 - Evaluation and approval of Annual Social Development and Management Programs
MSESDD-17 - Evaluation and approval of Community Development Programs
MSESDD-18 - Evaluation and approval of Community Development and Management Programs
MSESDD-19 - Investigation of complaints/incidents relating to the implementation social development programs
MSESDD-20 - Processing and issuance of Certificate of Environmental Management and Community Relations Record (CEMCRR)
MSESDD-21 - Processing and issuance of Certificate of Exemption in lieu of Certificate of Environmental Management and Community Relations Record (CEMCRR)
MSESDD-22 - Capacity building on mineral resources and geosciences development through lectures/training for LGUs and other stakeholders
MMD-1 - Processing of Petition/Request for the Declaration as Minahang Bayan for Initial Evaluation Clearance (IEC)
MMD-2 - Processing of Petition/Request for the Declaration as Minahang Bayan for Final Evaluation Clearance (FEC)
MMD-3 - Processing of Exploration Permit Application
MMD-4 - Processing of Ore Transport Permit Application
MMD-5 - Processing of Mineral Ore Export Permit Application
MMD-6 - Processing of Application for Accreditation as Dealer, Trader or Retailer of Minerals/Mineral Products and or By-Products (New/Renewal)
MMD-7 - Processing of ISAG Permit Application (New/Renewal)
MMD-8 - Processing of Application for MGB-X Deputized Geodetic Engineer (New/Renewal)
MMD-9 - Request for Certificate of Posting/Notice of Application
MMD-10 - Request for Issuance of Delivery Receipts/Endorsement
MMD-11 - Request for Area Status/Clearance
MMD-12 - Application for Disposition of Residual Stockpile
MMD-13 - Request for Tenement Map
MMD-14 - Deputation Training for Mining Enforcement Officers
MMD-15 - TSHES Audit/Monitoring
FAD-1 - Payment
FAD-2 - Processing of Certified True Copy of Documents/Request for Copy of Documents
MMD-16 - Ore Sample Transport Certificate
MMD-17 - Application for Mineral Processing Permit
Choose your answer to the Citizen's Charter (CC) questions.
Do you know about the Citizen's Charter (document of an agency's services and requirements)?
Yes, aware before my transaction with this office
Yes, but aware only when I saw the CC of this office
No, not aware of the CC (Skip questions CC2 and CC3)
If Yes to the previous question, did you see this office's Citizen's Charter?
Yes, the CC was easy to find
Yes, but the CC was hard to find
No, I did not see this office's CC (Skip question CC3)
to the previous question, did you use the Citizen's Charter as a guide for the service/s you availed?
Yes, I was able to use the CC
No, I was not able to use the CC because . . .
For SQD 1-8, please choose on the selection that best corresponds to your answer.
I spent an acceptable amount of time to complete my transaction (Responsiveness)
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
The office accurately informed and followed the transaction's requirements and steps (Reliability)
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
My online transaction (including steps and payment) was simple and convenient (Access and Facilities)
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
I easily found information about my transaction from thee office or its website (Communication)
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
I paid an acceptable amount of fees for my transaction (Costs)
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
I am confident my online transaction was secure (Integrity)
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
The office's online support was available, or (if asked questions) online support was quick to respond (Assurance) staff, and (if asked for help) the staff was helpful.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
I got what I needed from the government office (Outcome)
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
REMARKS (optional):